
Otis Under Sky Trailer (2011)

Trailer for Otis Under Sky.

Otis Under Sky is a feature-length unscripted, partially web-based experimental narrative about a hapless recluse web artist, Otis, who falls into unrequited love with Ursula, an impulsive kleptomaniac. His awkward misadventure leads to his ultimate creation, a physical light that is a reflection of positive energy across the web.

Otis spends his days in front of a computer 'on the wire' posting articles and self-created web-art on his multiple web sites. His vlogs and blogs are often reflective postulations on the state of humanity.

Ursula is a mysterious, unpredictable, feline womanizer. She is sent into an emotional tailspin when it becomes uncertain if Lucia, her lover from Argentina, will return and travel with her to Central America.

Otis's older brother Brian, who raised him after the loss of their adoptive parents, buys him a video camera. Otis is inspired to leave the relative safety of his web sanctuary to explore and document the real world with his new video camera. He soon discovers that the world outside is an interesting and sometimes wonderful place. He begins to climb trees, sit in empty fields eating gummy bears and all manner of frivolous activities. Everything changes for Otis when his camera lens comes across Ursula at a local show. He zooms in for a close up and loses her. He scans the room and sees her heading for the door. He follows her. She leads him through the crowded streets to a bus stop.

Ursula gets onto the bus and Otis reluctantly follows. Both try to act indifferent and anonymous. Otis boldly makes a move to take the seat next to her. Sitting side by side, their arms accidentally touch, neither moves and it soon becomes clear to one another that the contact is welcome. The swaying bus gently rocks them as they sit in silence, connected. From that moment they are inseparable. Long walks through dry creek beds, still pre-dawn city streets and star-studded nights in the tree-tops. They encounter street poets, frequent empty music venues, sit by the freeway and watch rush hour traffic drive by. They are kindred spirits but unable to express their bond physically.

Ursula's girlfriend Lucia returns. Otis must find a way to overcome his love and loss and continue his artistic endeavors.

3 min 15 sec


Posted On
February 07, 2011
Anlo Sepulveda

Anlo Sepulveda


March 12, 2011
Anis Mojgani
Roberta Colindrez
Tony Jackson
Jacqueline Leal
Ruth Sepulveda
Trailer Tracks
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