
Kill Me Please Trailer (2011)

Kill Me Please is the heart-lifting story of one of the world’s foremost euthanasia clinics. Dr. Krueger and his well-trained staff have created the optimal environment for the terminally ill, the hopelessly depressed, and those with a generally abysmal quality of life to quietly and peacefully drift off the mortal coil. As one would predict given the controversial nature of his work, not everyone is a fan of Dr. Krueger and his clinic. As the ire of the local villagers rises to the boiling point, Dr. Krueger must contend with forces both within and outside his own facility that seek to bring ruin to his reputation…as well as to his clientele.

If there is anything funnier than euthanasia, I haven’t seen it. Kill Me Please will require of you some patience; not because it is poorly paced, but because it plays its motives close to the vest for the first half hour. Its true colors are playfully obscured in black-and-white and it is flush with the trappings of French new wave. It flirts with melodrama as well as early 90s indie films and generally feels at odds with traditional Fantastic Fest fare. But stick with it, for as it gets rolling its qualifications for this festival become remarkably clear.

Slowly it transforms from contrived drama to something in the neighborhood of violent thriller and finally bursting out as an absurd black comedy. The overall experience of Kill Me Please is spectacularly unique and provides an interesting balance of deeply introspective character moments and farcical humor. By the time the fat lady sings, you may not know exactly what to make of Kill Me Please, but you will be grateful for the ride on which it has taken you.

1 min 38 sec


Posted On
August 30, 2011
Olias Barco

Olias Barco


September 22, 2011
Aurélien Recoing
Benoît Poelvoorde
Daniel Cohen
Virginie Efira
Trailer Tracks
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