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Captain America: Civil War Super Bowl TV Spot

in Captain America: Civil War | Posted on February 07, 2016 Runtime: 0:30

United we stand! Divided we fall! TV spot for Captain America: Civil War that was shown during Super Bowl 50.

Feature International Trailer


Feature Trailer

International Trailer

TV Spot - Divided

TV Spot - MTV Sneak Peek

At $166,666 per second for an advertisement during Super Bowl 50, Marvel knew they'd have to be effective and, most importantly, fast, with the first TV spot for Captain America: Civil War. So fast in fact that a few important Marvel characters are noticeably left out. And, just in case you were confused on just which side you each character was on, here is a cute little guide courtesy of Marvel/Disney.

Does that help settle it? 

Having the chant, "United We Stand!" on repeat to only have it switch to, "Divided We Fall!" is pretty epic.

Ever since Captain America: The Winter Soldier, I have had tons of respect for the franchise. Possibly my favorite Marvel movie to date, the Captain America installments have shown the ability to present a real sense of danger for its characters. As exampled in the Super Bowl spot, you can see the shock on Tony Stark's (Robert Downey Jr) face when he takes a bullet from Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan). And that's just the beginning. There is a seriousness here that is sometimes absent from other comicbook adaptations.

While I doubt anything can match Winter Soldier, Civil War is definitely going to give its best shot.