
Juno Trailer (2007)

Juno (Ellen Page) is a whip-smart teen confronting an unplanned pregnancy by her classmate Bleeker (Michael Cera). With the help of her hot best friend Leah (Olivia Thirlby), Juno finds her unborn child a 'perfect' set of parents: an affluent suburban couple, Mark and Vanessa (Jason Bateman and Jennifer Garner), longing to adopt. Luckily, Juno has the total support of her parents (Simmons and Janney) as she faces some tough decisions, flirts with adulthood and ultimately figures out where she belongs.

Jennifer Garner was so keen to appear in Juno that she dropped her salary to a percentage point agreement. She ended up doing very well indeed; Juno was a box office smash and gave her one of her biggest pay days to date!

Juno was shot in just 31 days, meaning the crew had to stage all four seasons in just one month. The took advantage of a freak March snowstorm which lasted three days and gave them all the winter shots they needed.

Ellen Page came up with Juno's hairstyle herself, and did her own hair on set.

Jason Bateman's character struggles with the idea of becoming a father but in real life, his wife had just given birth to their first child shortly before filming began.

Juno tells the story of high school student Juno, who discovers she is pregnant by her classmate, Bleeker. Deciding she is not in a position to keep the baby, Juno finds Mark and Vanessa, a couple who are unable to have a biological child, and together they agree they will adopt Juno's baby.

Despite the bleak storyline, Juno is a movie with a lot of heat and soul. It is also wickedly funny and at times, downright emotionally painful.

Ellen Page is great as Juno, a typical teen who has somehow found herself in a situation beyond her control. She is afraid of dealing with her emotions surrounding the baby, the adoption and also her affections for Bleeker, in much the same way as most of us don't like to confront the deeper aspects of life when we're teens.

For me, it's J.K. Simmons and Alison Janney as Juno's parents who really make this movie so great. Simmons in particular has a real knack for appearing to be detached and yet giving the best parental advice. It's more than apparent that Juno's dad loves her no matter what, and Simmons plays the role perfectly.

The trailer surmises the plot well; it's a simple enough concept but it's brilliantly executed and the characters are excellently written. This movie is definitely well worth a watch.

2 min 30 sec


Posted On
November 22, 2007
Jason Reitman

Diablo Cody

Fox Searchlight

December 5, 2007
Ellen Page
Michael Cera
Allison Janney
Jason Bateman
Jennifer Garner
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