Trailer Addict

Logan Villain Donald Pierce Makes His Debut on Instagram

It was a little over a week ago when Hugh Jackman promised a number of big updates were coming for Logan. Since then we've been given the first poster, the film's title and an active social account. He also went on to remind audiences that the film will have a dark tone fitting of its R-rating.

To really drive the point home, Instagram user "wponx" has begun posting enough image updates from the production to at least keep us interested. Sure, the images are nowhere near the predicted trailer, but they do reveal additional insight. Besides making us think that Logan was filmed in black & white, the account has given us our first look at Boyd Holbrook. Better yet, it reveals who he is playing. We give you the villain Donald Pierce!

Boyd Holbrook is Donald Pierce

Donald Pierce is a big player in the X-Men universe. As a bit of a fun fact, the look of the character was modeled after actor Donald Sutherland. Yes, the same Donald Sutherland we saw in The Hunger Games. Hence the name Donald Pierce. The character has a long history with Professor X. Early in his career, he and his mercenaries attempted to kidnap Professor Xavier in a move against the X-Men. Xavier was able to use his telepathy to eventually defeat Pierce and escape. Pierce was expelled from the Hellfire Club, where he had a ranking position, and sent to secret prison to live out his days.

The villain is later rescued by Reavers, a group of cyborg villains that Pierce had a hand in creating. With the Reavers and a few Hellfire Club mercenaries, Pierce renews his war against the X-Men. Obviously, Pierce eventually has a number of encounters with Wolverine, an X-Man he becomes obsessed with.

A number of storylines revolve around Pierce, so it should be interesting to see how faithful Logan is to er, any one of them.

Professor X is Old in Logan

Since Logan takes place much further down the timeline, it makes sense that Professor X is old. He's so old in fact that he is practically worthless to the Wolverine. Not to be a debbie downer, but Xavier is suffering from Alzheimer's. To make matters worse, Logan's ability to heal has diminished greatly. He's officially old as well. This fact alone should greatly raise the stakes in this Wolverine installment.
