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Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory Trailer

in Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory | Posted on June 16, 2009 Runtime: 1:49

Poor Charlie Bucket lives in poverty with his mother and four grandparents.

For many years, a mysterious candy-maker, Mr. Willy Wonka (Gene Wilder), produced amazing treats from his factory in town. But the factory closed without notice a few years ago, then magically began making candy again. But without any employees or workers leaving or entering the factory.

Mr. Wonka decides to break his silence and launches a world-wide contest. Five golden tickets are hidden in his candy bars. The lucky finders will win an amazing tour of his candy making factory and a life-time supply of chocolate.

Four tickets are quickly won by various children around the world. Charlie finds a coin in the street and decides to buy two bars of candy. And of course, in the second bar is the last golden ticket.

He persuades his grandpa Joe (Jack Albertson) to climb out of bed for the first time in years and join him on the tour.

Charlie meets the other four children and parents and begins an amazing adventure through the magical chocolate factory.

One by one, the children become disqualified for displaying terrible qualities - gluttony, greed, stubborness and rudeness. Charlie breaks the rules too by stealing fizzie lifting drink. It makes him and Grandpa Joe float to the ceiling, which has to be washed and sterilized because of their improper activity.

Mr. Wonka erupts in a rage when Charlie asks for his prize of chocolate and orders him to leave the factory. Displaying humility and grace, Charlie gives back a sample of a prototype candy (Everlasting Gobstoppers), which becomes the key that opens the door to the factory. Because of that selfless act, Mr. Wonka reveals that Charlie has won the factory and must take over making candy. He invites his whole family to move into the facility and live happily ever after.

Trailer B

Welcome to the Factory

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