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Victor and the Secret of the Crocodile Mansion Trailer

in Victor and the Secret of the Crocodile Mansion | Posted on February 19, 2013 Runtime: 0:51

Trailer for Victor and the Secret of the Crocodile Mansion.

The Laroches have just moved into a spooky old mansion when their parents go on vacation, leaving eleven-year-old Victor alone at home with his big sisters Cora and Louise. Exploring the rooms of the old house, Victor finds a little stuffed crocodile with empty eye sockets among the dusty packing boxes and ancient African masks. All he hears in the dimly lit room is the ticking of an old grandfather clock. Suddenly, standing wide-eyed before a big mirror, Victor freezes in fright: A dark silhouette darts through the house behind him. A burglar? A ghost? Victor starts looking for the intruder in panic. In the Forbidden Room, he finds the diary of Cecilia, a girl that died in the house many years ago under mysterious circumstances. Victor pages through the book in fascination, following Cecilias mysterious clues through the mansion. Creepy neighbor Mrs. Debisch and her son Friedrich keep getting in his way as he explores. Shifty neighbor Strichninsky is acting suspiciously, as well. Are they involved in Cecilia's death somehow? Victor starts to suspect he's on to a major mystery...