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The Back Nine Trailer

in The Back Nine | Posted on April 23, 2009 Runtime: 2:47

Upon turning 40, Jon Fitzgerald challenges himself to chase his dream of playing professional golf. Given his passion for the sport, the right team, training schedule and commitment, will he have his chance? He believes it’s never too late to become what he always wanted to be.

Determined, he assembles a team and develops a strategy. He eventually joins The Golf Channel’s Amateur Tour, and wins the first tournament he enters. With consistent play throughout the year, Fitzgerald earns an invitation to the National Championships.

From Los Angeles to Arizona, Scotland to Ireland, he travels to historic courses, gaining valuable experience. Off the course, he develops an understanding of his family history. Fitzgerald must come to terms with his identity, balancing the experience and guidance of his two father figures – polar opposites as people and influences in his life. Now himself a father of two, Fitzgerald sees his turn as a chance to “break the cycle” and establish a new approach. He learns that golf mirrors life, the need for patience and discipline, focus and imagination. Through it all, Fitzgerald discovers that finding the right balance in life will only make him a better player, father, husband and person.