
The Alphabet Killer Trailer (2008)

Rochester, NY, Megan Paige (Dushku) isa driven police investigator whose commitment to the job borders on obsession. Her fiance, Kenneth Shine (Elwes), is also a lieutenant with the Rochester PD. They're currently working on one of their worst cases yet, the murder and rape of a 10-year-old girl named Carla Castillo. When Megan puts it together that she was murdered in Churchville, she is convinced they are dealing with a serial killer. She becomes so caught up she begins to have hallucinations... and a bloody Carla begins to haunt her regularly. When Megan cannot crack the case it pushes her over the edge. She's diagnosed with an adult onset of paranoid schizophrenia that finds her in a psychiatric hospital instead of her precinct and to top it off she breaks off her engagement with Kenneth.

TWO YEARS LATER: Megan regains work for the department, but now in the shadow of her former capacity. Kenneth has been promoted to the Captain. Her relief comes from a support group for mental illness survivors and wheelchair-bound friend Richard Ledge (Hutton). When another girl, Wendy Walsh is abducted, raped and murdered in Webster Megan is convinced the killer has resurfaced and her old fire is reheated. Against his better judgment Kenneth allows Megan to ride along with investigator Steven Harper (Malloy) but only in an advisory capacity. However, soon after she is in the thick of things her old symptons start coming back, namely in the form of hallucinations of both dead girls now. Ledge tells her she's flirting with disaster and she knows that the case is in danger of going cold with few leads, no suspects and a serial killer on the loose. Can she catch him on time, or will the "Alphabet Killer" go free?.

2 min 51 sec


Posted On
February 25, 2008
Rob Schmidt

Tom Malloy

New Films International

November 14, 2008
Eliza Dushku
Cary Elwes
Timothy Hutton
Tom Malloy
Michael Ironside
Trailer Tracks
No Music Available
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