
Star Trek Beyond Feature Trailer (2016)

Feature trailer for Star Trek Beyond, starring Chris Pine, Simon Pegg and Zoe Saldana.

In Star Trek Beyond, the Enterprise crew explores the furthest reaches of uncharted space, where they encounter a mysterious new enemy who puts them and everything the Federation stands for to the test.

Just in case you've been living under a rock, but this is the first Star Trek film since the franchise's reboot not to be helmed by JJ Abrams; who moved onto the Star Wars franchise. Robert Orci, who has had a hand in writing all three installments, was originally set to replace Abrams, but was dropped in favor of  Fast & Furious director Justin Lin.

Though out of the director's chair, Orci is still involved. The scribe admitted to the action-centric nature of the first two installments and ensured fans of hte franchise that Star Trek Beyond would be original in that it would have a closer feel to the classic Star Trek storytelling. Based on the trailers, however, that doesn't seem to be the case.

This installment might be the franchise's last in regards to the talent. Most of the Enterprise crew only signed on for three films, meaning contracts would need to be negotiated if another installment was put into the works. Zachary Quinto has already stated that he's ready to move away from the franchise, but that could change depending on the amount offered for additional films.

Since Benedict Cumberbatch was a big hit as Khan, it has been rumored that the character may make an appearance. To that we say....

Star Trek Beyond Feature Trailer Screencap

I thought the first (JJ Abrams) Star Trek was fantastic. Into Darkness was good, just not as good. Plus, I never understood why the franchise thought the return of Khan was necessary, considering that Wrath of Khan is like the Empire Strikes Back of the Star Trek universe. And now we are presented with something new from a different director, and boy does it feel different.

The visuals are amped up, and the action seems a bit more chaotic. And, considering that we're dealing with a Fast & Furious director, of course there are tons of space vehicles.

There's a lot to like, and possibly a couple things to worry about. What is fantastic is the side shot of the Enterprise traveling at warp speed. That was pretty cool. Plus the backup camera view of the ship leaving a space station. Great ideas that come across looking visionary. The story, which Paramount refuses to provide, obviously puts the entire crew in peril alongside the rest of the human race (and other alien races). The dialogue, though limited, all plays fairly strong, hinting at some possible story arcs and symbolism.

There's obviously a villain, though we have no idea who his motivation is as of yet. Where Khan was at least upset about the treatment of himself and his crew, this guy just seems pissed at the universe... or at least hormonal.

This Star Trek trilogy has a great track record of choosing solid music for the trailers, and the feature trailer for Star Trek Beyond is no different. While we don't know the score just yet -- it will appear below when we do -- it's a solid pick. Maybe not as solid as Freedom Fighters was, but still strong.

2 min 32 sec


Posted On
May 21, 2016
Justin Lin

Doug Jung

Paramount Pictures

July 22, 2016
John Cho
Simon Pegg
Chris Pine
Zachary Quinto
Zoe Saldana
Trailer Tracks
No Music Available
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