
Robin Hood Trailer (2018)

Trailer for Robin Hood, starring Jamie Dornan, Taron Egerton, Ben Mendelsohn, Jamie Foxx and Eve Hewson.

A war-hardened Crusader and his Moorish commander mount an audacious revolt against the corrupt English crown in a thrilling action-adventure packed with gritty battlefield exploits, mind-blowing fight choreography, and a timeless romance.

Robin Hood will be the first time Otto Bathurst directs a feature film. He has previous experience working on TV Series such as Peaky Blinders , Black Mirror and Criminal Justice.

Shooting for this film has been postponed so that Taron Egerton could film Kingsman: The Golden Circle (2017) first. The director wanted Taron Egerton as Robin Hood so much that he decided to postpone filming so that he could still play the title character.

Jack Huston, Jack Reynor, Dylan O'Brien and Nicholas Hoult auditioned for Robin Hood before the role went to Taron Egerton.

Yes, here we go again...another remake. We had The Adventures of Robin Hood starring Errol Flynn way back in 1938. There have been numerous other Robin Hood films since then. We had the Disney animated version in 1973, Kevin Costner as Robin Hood in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves in 199, and the most recent take was Robin Hood (2010) featuring Russell Crowe.

So, we must ask what will make this Robin Hood different and not just another Hollywood remake. Well...right of the back we can see that this film is much more action based. With Taron Egerton fresh of shooting Kingsman: The Golden Circle, this film looks to even have more action. And this film has what I hope to be the best villain with Ben Mendelsohn playing the Sheriff of Nottingham. I cannot wait to see what Ben does with this character.

Robin Hood Trailer (2018)

Robin Hood Trailer (2018) Screen Capture #1Robin Hood Trailer (2018) Screen Capture #2Robin Hood Trailer (2018) Screen Capture #3Robin Hood Trailer (2018) Screen Capture #4

2 min 5 sec


Posted On
May 03, 2018
Otto Bathurst

Ben Chandler


November 21, 2018
Jamie Dornan
Taron Egerton
Ben Mendelsohn
Jamie Foxx
Eve Hewson
Trailer Tracks
No Music Available
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