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The Rime of the Modern Mariner Trailer

in The Rime of the Modern Mariner | Posted on February 05, 2011 Runtime: 3:20

The trailer The Rime of the Modern Mariner.

The Rime of the Modern Mariner is a new documentary directed by Mark Donne, narrated by Carl Barat (The Libertines) and featuring a score and extraordinary sound design from Anthony Rossamondo (The Klaxons).

Filmed in the husks of the London Docks and aboard a container ship voyage from North Africa to the UK, the film explores maritime myth and legend; wanders the network of lanes in East London that once gave port to sailors, spices, opium, silks, and untold exotica from across the globe; and listens intently to the language and culture of a world now locked forever beneath corporate plate glass.

Larger than life, stoic former dockers and mariners describe a world with its own codes that few of us can imagine and give their views on the impact of globalised trade on their heritage and entire system of living.

Modern mariners expose life on the high seas, the contrasting beauty and peril of astounding seascapes and vivid modern piracy; the curtailment of their own unique culture; the impending doom of the end of 1,000 of maritime history, and finally, the nature of relationship between a nation state and the seas.

London Docks

Sea's Beauty

Canary Warf

