Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle

Video archive for the film Mowgli: Legend of the Jungle, which has a domestic theatrical release in the year of 2018. There are currently four videos available for the film, of which two are trailers, as listed below. Happy viewing!

Studio: Warner Bros Pictures

Release: December 7, 2018

Director: Andy Serkis

Writer: Rudyard Kipling, Callie Kloves

Cast: Benedict Cumberbatch, Cate Blanchett, Andy Serkis, Christian Bale, Peter Mullan, Naomie Harris, Matthew Rhys, Eddie Marsan, Jack Reynor, Freida Pinto, Tom Hollander, Rohan Chand, Louis Ashbourne Serkis, Georgie Farmer, Josh Jefferies, Robin Berry

  • Movie Trailers