Knives and Skin (2019)

  • Studio: IFC Films
  • Release: December 6, 2019
  • Director: Jennifer Reeder
  • Writer: Jennifer Reeder
  • Cast: Kate Arrington, Tim Hopper, Marika Engelhardt, Tony Fitzpatrick, James Vincent Meredith, Audrey Francis, Alex Moss, Ty Olwin, Robert T. Cunningham, Marilyn Dodds Frank, Raven Whitley, Kayla Carter, Jalen Gilbert, Jessica G. Smith, Genevieve Venjohnson, Grace Smith

Video archive for the film Knives and Skin, which has a domestic theatrical release in the year of 2019. There is currently one video available for the film, of which one and only one is a trailer, as listed below. Happy viewing!
