
Kill Command Trailer (2016)

Trailer for Kill Command, starring Vanessa Kirby.

Kill Command is a sci-fi action thriller set in a near future, technology-reliant society that pits man against killing machines. Against this backdrop an elite army unit is helicoptered to a remote, off-the-grid island training facility. What starts out as a simple training exercise for Captain Bukes and his tight-knit unit, descends into a terrifying battle to the death, as the marines discover the island is overrun by an enemy that transcends the human concept of evil.

Even though we've been warned repeatedly by films such as The Terminator, scientists continually work to create artificial intelligence.

Vertigo Films has been behind Kill Command since the beginning, providing the film its production budget. Why so much confidence? Though this is Steven Gomez's directorial debut, he is considered a VFX wizard who can accomplish stunning effects on minimal budgets. It also helps that he is close friends with other sci fi directors such as Gareth Edwards. Kill Command is effectively Gomez's brainchild from script to post-production.

Kill Command Trailer Screencap

Considering that the film has a minimal budget, props to Steven Gomez for living up to his reputation. The visual effects in Kill Command look fantastic -- far better than the made for TV CG we were expecting. To top it off, the cinematography and acting look feature quality as well. The quality of the film is so surprising that we've been trying to research just how much Vertigo spent. Even Neill Blomkamp would be proud of this result.

2 min 2 sec


Posted On
February 25, 2016
Steven Gomez

Steven Gomez

Vertigo Films

May 13, 2016
Vanessa Kirby
Thure Lindhardt
David Ajala
Tom McKay
Deborah Rosan
Trailer Tracks
No Music Available
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