
The Kids Who Saved Summer Trailer (2004)

Three young friends, Sean, Kathy, and Raffi, known as the Bike Squad, get ready for the summer they have been waiting for. No school, no homework, just playing with their friends at the neighborhood park...having fun all summer long! Little do they know, Frederick Stone, the president of the local construction company, Snowfly, is preparing to build a huge factory, right where they plan on spending their summer fun!

The kids learn of the pending construction and must devise a way to keep their beloved park. The odds are against them as everyone in the town, even Sean's father, supports the new factory.

Something must be done! The local kids need a safe and fun place to go and play yet the adults need the jobs the factory will bring to their small town. The Bike Squad gathers to figure out a plan that will make everyone happy.

While distributing flyers informing people that the factory can be built right outside the town and the park can remain intact, little Kathy gets harassed by the older kids. An unlikely hero comes to her rescue, Tom, Sean's ex-best friend who had left him for the "cool" kids last year. Hesitant to trust him, Kathy tells Tom what they are planning. She realizes that he can be trusted and she brings him to the others where he asks to join the team. Still feeling hurt, Sean immediately says no. After much convincing, he relents and Tom is part of the Bike Squad.

With the four of them stronger than ever, they figure out a way to Mr. Stone's heart. Ever since he was a small child in Cleveland, Mr. Stone, has loved his sled, Snowfly, more than anything. Sledding down the snowy mountains would take him away from his unhappy childhood. The Bike Squad develops a plan. They rent a snowmaker and buy a sled. They take a picture and place it on Mr. Stone's desk. Seeing this, Mr. Stone ventures to the park and sees the sled. Flooded with memories, he realizes that the children need their park. He decides the factory will be built on the outskirts of town so that everyone can benefit. The adults will have the new business and jobs, and the kids will have their park!

The town rejoices at the remarkable conclusion and decides to bring in the snowmaker every summer and have an annual summer snow event.

2 min 2 sec


Posted On
March 26, 2010
Rob Spera

Martin Olmedo

Mainline Releasing

August 10, 2004
Daniel Massey
Marcella Laasch
Dani Goldman
Bobby Sharpe
Tyler Dylan Smith
Trailer Tracks
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