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Into the Storm Feature Trailer

in Into the Storm | Posted on June 26, 2014 Runtime: 2:31

Feature trailer for Into the Storm.

A group of high school students document the events and aftermath of a devastating tornado, while teacher Gary Morris (Richard Armitage) must find his way across a storm-torn town to find his son.


Interview - Richard Armitage

Teaser Trailer

Junket Interview - Richard Armitage

B-Roll I

Featurette - Inside Look

The United States holds title for most tornadoes, with three out of every four recorded in the world touching ground in the country.

Cast and crew report that filming Into the Storm was exhausting thanks most in part to the weather effects, which left many wet or soaked through. To keep both the extras and title cast energy up, there was constant singing on set, with Styx "Come Sail Away" the go to song.

The special effects are terrific, for sure, but I can't keep thinking Twister 2: Twist Bigger the whole time while watching this preview. They even have the storm chasers.