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Fix Trailer

in Fix | Posted on November 04, 2009 Runtime: 2:35

The trailer for Fix. Racing across Los Angeles in one, unwieldy day, documentary filmmakers Bella and Milo must race from Beverly Hills to Watts — and places in between — in order to get Milo’s brother Leo from jail to rehab before 8pm, or Leo goes to prison for three years. A story inspired by true events, the trio documents their trip from a suburban police station in Calabasas through mansions in Beverly Hills, East LA chopshops, rural wastelands, and housing projects in Watts as they attempt to raise the $5,000 required to get Leo into the rehab clinic. Along the way they encounter dozens of colorful characters, each with their own anomalous perspective on Leo’s larger-than-life personality and style, and each with their own excuse for why they cannot help out. In the end, it may take the desperate irony of a drug deal to get the necessary funds to send Leo to rehab.