Call of the Wild is a modern-day story incorporating elements of Jack London's classic short novel. Christopher Lloyd stars as a recently widowed man living in Montana who takes his young granddaughter Ryann (Ariel Gade) in for several weeks while her parents are out of the country. When a wild hybrid wolf/dog shows up injured on the back porch one night, Ryann wants to take him back to Boston as a pet, but her grandfather knows the animal will eventually have to return to the wild. To help his granddaughter understand, he begins to read her Jack London's "Call of the Wild" each night ... but Ryann has ideas of her own, and helps a local boy train the magnificent animal to become a sled dog leader. Timothy Bottoms plays a dark-hearted local bully who tries to claim the dog as his own, and Wes Studi stars as a mysterious mountain man who always seems to appear on the fringe of the action.
2 min 8 sec
Posted On
May 11, 2009
Richard Gabai
Leland Douglas
Vivendi Entertainment
June 12, 2009
Christopher Lloyd
Ariel Gade
Timothy Bottoms
Wes Studi
No Music Available