Trailer Addict

Win $25 Amazon Giftcard: Video Mystery Challenge #1

It's that time of year and we are trying something new. We currently have the Film IQ test, the caption contest and the Freeze Frame contest. All of which provide a chance to win prizes. We are upgrading the Freeze Frame contest to include video. Which makes sense, right?

Like the Freeze Frame challenge, the Video Mystery Challenge has the same roles. Below you will be shown a video that has been er, censored by graffiti. To up the challenge even further, the sound has been removed. Every stage of hints will either show more of the video, a new section of video, and additional sound. With each additional stage, the video should become easier to solve. So rack that brain!

Video Challenge: Stage 1

Below is a snippet of video taken from a trailer. Which trailer? It's not that easy amigo, and for you to figure out.

As a bit of added motivation, we are giving away a $25 Amazon Gift Card to the person who guesses it first in the comments below.

As explained previously, the sound from the video has been removed and replaced with a small, tiny, minuscule sample of audio from the video. Or is it a sample of the music used? Hard to say!

One Winner Selected

The rules are simple, first to guess the film. You are only allows 2 guesses, so make them count and be patient.
