Trailer Addict

Trump Fires Back Over Alec Baldwin’s SNL Spoof

As the pretend Anderson Cooper and Martha Raddatz opened proceedings to call the event "the second and worst ever presidential debate," before downing a shot glass each, Alec Baldwin and Kate McKinnon got back to what they do best. Spoofing the nominees! The media reports that it is getting harder to decipher fact from fiction these days. And the opening skit focused heavily on the uncomfortable body language portrayed by the Republican on stage that evening.

Starting off with the handshake that never was, McKinnon poked fun at Hillary's inability to look and behave like a genuine human being. "Thank you for having me, I'd like to begin tonight by attempting a casual lean," appearing anything other than casual.

Baldwin Portrays Jaws-Like Trump Leering After His Prey

Pulling reference to an unusual cameo that seems out of date by modern events, The Departed star had plenty to work with.

"I've been helping kids my whole life," started Baldwin in a question about being a role model for younger people. "In 1992 I helped a kid named Kevin McCallister find a hotel lobby. You might remember a documentary called Home Alone 2: Lost in New York."

While McKinnon went on to mimic Clinton's discussion on health care, the theme music to Jaws was playing as Baldwin leered. To add to the effect, the actor moved in and out of focus in the background. Every so often McKinnon would look behind and appear startled, not quite knowing where he was at any given moment.

Trump Thinks Baldwin "Stinks" And Says Election Is Already Rigged

ABC News reports that the man himself does not see the funny side of Alec Baldwin's portrayal of him on SNL. Taking to Twitter as he does to fire back at the actor and use it as a means to convince his voters that everyone is against him.

Calling his work a "hit job" and outlining his view that Saturday Night Live is a "boring and unfunny" show before stating that Baldwin "stinks". Trump used it as a means of peddling his conspiracy theory that the election is already rigged against him. Unless he wins of course, then it will be the greatest election of all time, fantastic, the best ever.
