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Sully Gets Critical Praise and a Standing O Out of Telluride

When you have Clint Eastwood behind the camera and Tom Hanks in front, it seems a guarantee that whatever film comes out from such a pairing can only be Oscar worthy. The rule holds true for Sully, the biopic that takes a look at flight US Airways Flight 1549. If that flight number sounds unfamiliar, it is better known now as the "Miracle on the Hudson". The film screened at the Telluride Film Festival and saw nothing but good things in response.

Sully Gets Standing Ovations

Clint Eastwood is no stranger to making difficult projects Oscar contenders. After bouncing over a couple speedbumps with Million Dollar Baby, he turned that sport drama into Academy gold. At Telluride, it quickly became clear that Eastwood and Hanks might have made something special. The 10AM screening of Sully was not only filled beyond capacity, but the large group managed to give the film and its crew three standing ovations. The usual applause came when Eastwood, Hanks, Eckhart and Linney entered the theater, but an extended standing ovation took place when the film's credits began to role.

Getting that sort of love from the audience is great, but there were still the critics to impress. Being a bit more er, judgemental, there is one unanimous complaint.

Critics See Oscar Contender in Hanks' Sully

With the film's screening complete, the reviews for Sully have been popping up everywhere. The critics seem to agree on four things. Eastwood is a terrific director. Hanks once again reminds us why he's a leading man. The film is great. The supporting cast was weak.

Three out of four ain't bad.

In terms of acting, there's not a whole lot for the supporting cast to do other than support. Some of the extras (most notably the passengers) can be distractingly amateurish at times. This is Hanks' show, and he delivers a typically strong performance, quickly allowing us to forget that we're watching an actor. With his snowy white hair and mustache to match, Hanks conveys a man confident in his abilities. Yet humble in his actions, which could also be said of Eastwood as a director. As unfussy as ever, Eastwood juggles the script's odd chronology-bending structure, steering by his central character's conscience throughout... - Variety

Made up to look older than his years, Hanks confidently carries the film as a man of undoubted decency and judgment who is nonetheless made to question, however incorrectly and briefly, actions prudently made under conditions of great stress. Secondary characters are strictly one-dimensional, with Eckhart's less experienced co-pilot staunchly backing the old pro in the left-hand seat and Linney confined to pouring out concern long-distance over the phone. - THR

If Telluride has given you an insatiable appetite for Sully, the good news is that the film is due to hit theaters in less than a week.
