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Suicide Squad Director Wishes He Could Go Back and Change DC Flop

49-year old David Ayer is living the dream to take control of the biggest productions in Hollywood. But it seems the criticism aimed in his direction has taken a toll. So much so that he has posted a letter online about his reaction. Some time has passed since the DC blockbuster Suicide Squad made it's way on the big screen last year. And, while the box office figures were spectacular, the critical reaction could not have been more of a contrast.

Indirectly pointing to the studio's decision to rush shooting, Ayer would not name and shame Warner Brothers. Having been paid so handsomely and with an eye to working on future installments. Yet the dissenting voices made their way to Ayer and he made the choice to reply the best way he knew how.

Years of Work Slammed And It Hurt

Sending his message across various social media platforms, Ayer gave detailed analysis of his taking on the movie.

"Thank you so much," begun the director. "I know it's a controversial film, I really tried to make something different, with a look and a voice of its own. I took inspiration from the insanity of the original comics. Making a movie is a journey, not a straight line. I learned so much. People want what they want, and everyone has a personal vision of how each character should look and walk and talk. If you set out to make a mass appeal, it's easy to end up with vanilla. But I went for it. And I know Squad has its flaws, Hell, the World knows it. Nothing hurts more than to pick up a newspaper and see a couple years of your blood, sweat and tears ripped to shreds. The hate game is strong out there."

Leto's Bad Guy Should Have Been Different: Ayer

Wanting to point to the dollars that came through, Ayer knew the box office figures were on his side despite the critical reception.

"The movie was wildly successful commercially," stated the director. "And the World got introduced into some very cool characters in the DC Universe. And that success is due exactly to the wonder and power of DC, of its characters. Would I do a lot of things different? Yep, for sure."

Not wanting to shirk the topic, Ayer pinpointed one part in particular that irked him and the viewers at large.

"Wish I had a time machine," admitted the filmmaker. "I'd make Joker the main villain and engineer a more grounded story. I have to take the good and bad and learn from it. I love making movies and I love DC. I'm a High School dropout and used to paint houses for a living. I'm lucky to have the job I have. I have to give the characters stories and plots they deserve next time. Real talk. (And no, there isn't a secret edit of the film with a bunch of Joker scenes hidden in a salt mine somewhere)."

For the sake of "real talk," it would have been nice to push these changes through while shooting the movie, perhaps?

Source: Screen Crush
