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Star Wars Rumor Mill: Luke Beardless and Yoda Returning

If one was to pay attention to Google News, the Star Wars rumors would be unrelenting. One can only guess how many are true, or false, so we typically wait for some bigger intel to come in. Or when something that arrives that causes head-scratching. Two such topics that match the head-scratching bit have to do with Luke and Yoda.

Mark Hamill Says Goodbye to His Beard and Hello to Star Wars Rumors

It turns out that Luke Skywalker loves stirring the pot. Mark Hamill went onto his Twitter account to post a video of him getting his beard shaved off. Now, a typical barber visit by your favorite celebrity wouldn't make waves, but having aged Luke drop the beard is discussion-worthy. Does that mean the beard won't be needed for Star Wars Episode IX? Is Luke's end coming in Episode VIII!?! Alright - Let's not get carried away, but we have a Jon Snow situation for sure.

When people began to theorize that the popular Game of Thrones character would come back to life, Kit Harington began showing up to events with a new haircut. A haircut that was far too short for Jon Snow. This was used as evidence that Jon Snow was really dead. Of course, that debate ended rather quickly with the beginning of GOT Season 7, but it's easy to see the similarity here.

So the video isn't all that exciting, but it's implications could be huge.

Yoda Making Appearance in Episode VIII

Skywalkergal over at Reddit did a post where she claims to confirm not one but two rumors circulating Star Wars: Episode VIII. If you hate even the smallest of spoilers, you might want to stop reading...

Coming out of Star Wars Celebration Europe, we are told that the next Star Wars (trilogy) installment will not open up in space. This is historic, considering that all seven films before it opened up with a shot in space. Instead, we will start right where Star Wars: The Force Awakens left off. You know, where we see a fully-bearded Luke looking ready to mentor another Padawan. But we already talked about that.

The next bit of info has to do with the return of Yoda. Doubtful? Believe it, you will!

One of the many stalls featured at the convention was Saving Yoda, ran by one of the original team operating Yoda in ESP. While waiting to have my photo taken with the Yoda puppet, the dude running it was talking to another guy. The random guy asked which Yoda puppet was currently on display. In response, we were all told that the one on display was puppet 2 (I think, I can't quite remember exactly). He looked at both of us, and said that members of the original Yoda team have been called in to work on episode 8, using the Yoda 8 puppet, as they'd all recently been talking about it. He'd have no reason to lie.

There are two possibilities for Yoda's return. Either his spirit shows up once again to aid another Skywalker, of course. Or we're going to see him in some flashback exposition.

Now here's hoping we start seeing some footage for Episode VIII by the time Rogue One hits theaters. Let's not forget that Ridley claims director Rian Johnson's marketing approach will be "cheeky".
