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Revealed: Original Guardians Superhero To Appear In Post-Credits For Vol. 2


Read ahead at your own behest for spoilers for the post-credit scenes in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2.

Marvel are venturing into some serious territory as they embark on their next ensemble adventure. As Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2 director James Gunn agreed to sign onto a third installment before explaining that there will be no less than 5 post-credit scenes, the anticipation levels have been going through the roof ahead of the May 5 premiere date.

For those that understand the comic book material, there was an original Guardians of the Galaxy crew that Yondu was involved with before Peter Quill ever emerged onto the scene. It was here that a new character was to debut in the second movie until Gunn decided on including him after the credits alongside a Stan Lee cameo.

Back to the Future For Old School Guardian

Adam Warlock was created during a run of Fantastic Four comics in 1967, affiliating with the Guardians, Gamora and Infinity Watch. Yet to announce a casting decision by Gunn for the superhero, he revealed that Warlock will be teased in the post-credits as one of the five scenes.

“I love Adam Warlock," the filmmaker told /FILM. "He’s one of my favorite characters. In all truth, I wrote an early treatment where I had Adam Warlock as a part…this is your big scoop, because I don’t think I’ve told anybody this… It was Adam Warlock. He was a big part of the screenplay and I realized it was one character too many. And I adored the character. I adored what we had done with him. I think we did something really creative and unique with Adam Warlock. But it was one character too many and I didn’t want to lose Mantis and Mantis was more organically part of the movie anyway. So I decided to save him for later.”

Adam Opening In Time For GotG 3 Extravaganza

As Gunn denied the claim that Warlock is indeed the individual stuck in the cocoon in the Collector’s museum, he did admit that the retro Guardian made it all the way into the treatment phase of production before cutting him to the post-credits.

"I’ll say one major thing that happened during the treatment phase, not even during the script phase, during the treatment phase, there was another character that was a major character. That was a part of the treatment. Although it kind of worked generally in the story, I got to the place where there were too many characters. I think Civil War handles a lot of characters really well, but they’re minor characters, and in this movie every character has their own arc. Their own thing. And I thought it was one character too many, so I took one of the characters out of the story about half way through the treatment phase. But the eventual 70 page treatment, which is what it was, is what this movie is, and it has changed very, very little."

With Avengers: Infinity War on the horizon, would Warlock be shoehorned into this title? Not for Gunn, holding him back instead for phase 4 of the MCU with Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3.

“He’s not. He’s not in Infinity War. But he will be a part of the future Marvel cosmic universe and a pretty important part of that.”

As the press were given preferential treatment with a screening two weeks ahead of the public, it was also revealed that Ving Rhames is playing a character called Charlie-27.

Source: /FILM
