Trailer Addict

Puzzle Contest #2

Round two! The first attempt at this game was successful enough to give it another shot. Taking a break from freeze frame, we are hoping to better er, puzzle our film afectionados with this new game. It now does look like this latest game will be a bit more difficult and require a bit of visual processing before one can figure it out.

So let's play!

Solve the Puzzle: Win $25 Amazon Gift Card

On the image below there is a puzzle in progress. More pieces of this puzzle will be revealed in time. The goal of the puzzle is simple: The first to guess the correct film is the winner. But there are a couple simple rules.

1. Only 2 guesses per user.
2. Contest runs until somebody guesses the correct answer.
3. Puzzle will either feature a screencap or portion of the movie poster from a given film.
4. Puzzle is on top of the table shown.
5. You can view a larger portion of the image by clicking on it.
6. Check back to this page to see updates to the puzzle.
7. Guess the film.

And that's it! Best of luck and check back for additional puzzle pieces!


8 puzzle pieces added!

Debby Jaynes got it with Dune!

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