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Producer Talks Jurassic World 2, Bourne Series and Assassin’s Creed

Fresh from taking part in 2016's Jason Bourne action romp, producer Frank Marshall has kept himself occupied spinning a number of plates at the same time. Having his finger in multiple pies like Indiana Jones 5 and Assassin's Creed, Marshall is considered one of the sharpest minds in the business and when he talks, people listen.

Speaking to the press, the first question focused on Matt Damon's return as the undercover agent Jason Bourne and he was quizzed as to what his character has in store. "I'd say the Bourne franchise is alive and well," began Marshall. "And we're certainly moving forward to continue making Bourne movies."

Asked if Damon or Jeremy Renner are planned to come back in any shape or form, Marshall kept his cards close to his chest.

"We don't know," replied the producer. "These movies are one of a kind now because there are no more books to reference. One of the things we have done is we've opened it up. We have several new, fresh characters, and who knows where the next one is going to take us?"

Marshall Pushed On New Jurassic World 2 Director's Credibility

With J.A. Bayona taking over the director's chair from Colin Trevorrow for the sequel to Jurassic World, Marshall could not have been more glowing of his talent to do the job.

"He (Bayona) brings the same thing that Colin did," argued Marshall. "He's a wonderful filmmaker, but he's also a fan of the franchise, so that combination we discovered is a really good one. If you look at his movies, he's got a tremendous eye and will bring a freshness but also a familiarity to the movie."

While the initial reboot scored big at the box office, the franchise suffered in subsequent sequels. Is Marshall worried about following up what they have produced so far?

"It's about story," he says. "I wasn't involved in the second or third (Jurassic Park films), so I don't know how they went, but certainly we've got Colin and Derek (Connolly) writing this second one, so that's a big plus for us. When Colin designed Jurassic World, he was looking forward as well to what No. 2 and No. 3 might be."

Giving Credence To Creed: Turning A Videogame Into A Movie

As Mortal Kombat and Rampage make a fist of turning a videogame into a motion picture, Marshall understands the challenges involved in making the transition a success.

"I think the gamers are going to be happy, but the general audience is going to dig it too," Marshall explains. "It's a very highly stylized world that we enter into and certainly the cool part is being able to go back and visit your ancestors in a certain period of time. It's fascinating the journey our character takes."

Yet the producer outlines how the studio has used a fair degree of poetic license from the console version.

"If you play the game, you know you are in the present a very short amount of time and then you go to the past. We have flipped that, where we are in the present a lot, although we go back to the Spanish Inquisition three times. There's much more of a story between these two characters — (played by) Michael Fassbender and Marion Cotillard — so, I think everyone has something to look forward to it."

Source: THR
