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The MMA Fighter Auditioning For Ivan Drago’s Son in Creed 2

Could a movie the size and scope of Creed 2 cast a young 21-year from Texas as a key character without any acting credentials whatsoever? That might very well be on the cards as MMA fighter Sage Northcutt told that he has thrown his hat in the audition ring to attempt to land the role of Ivan Drago's son in the upcoming sports drama.

Sylvester Stallone has reclaimed control of the franchise to both write and direct the sequel to the 2015 critical hit starring Michael B. Jordan. With news already emerging that Dolph Lundgren himself will return to reprise the part of Ivan Drago approximately 33 years after the 1985 classic Rocky IV, the hunt is on to find someone who would fit the physical profile of his son.

A Northcutt Above The Rest? Sage Makes His Case For Drago Mark II

Northcutt not only has no acting CV to call upon, but even in the octagon, the mixed martial artist is still very much a lightweight with 10 professional fights to his name. However, the athlete feels as though he has what it takes to impress the studio as he revealed the news that he is auditioning for the role of Ivan Drago's son.

"The new Creed 2 movie is coming out so I was actually going to audition for that. Got a little audition tape, so hopefully that goes through. That would be pretty neat. Being Ivan Drago's son in the movie? That would be pretty fun. Sylvester Stallone seems like a really cool guy, and Dolph Lundgren seems awesome. I think me and Mr. Dolph Lundgren look kind of alike."

Dolph Joins Club of Centurions on Aquaman Set

While Stallone and co. work away on that project, Lundgren is busy gearing up for the 2018 DCEU extravaganza Aquaman. Using Instagram as his outlet, he posted up a picture with a number of the heavy hitters of the James Wan picture including lead star Jason Momoa.

"Check it out! The 100 kilo (220 lbs) club: Kim (Jason's stunt double), Mada (Wrestler and Jason's buddy, the Swede, Ryan (Jason's and my double/sparring partner), Mark Hunt (top MMA fighter), Jason (star of Aquaman). They make me feel damn small! #aquaman #jasonmomoa #muscles @ryantarran."

The Swede will portray King Nereus as the rest of the cast is rounded out by Nicole Kidman (Queen Atlanna), Amber Heard (Mera), Willem Dafoe (Nuidis Vulko) and Patrick Wilson (Orm the Ocean Master).

Source: MovieWeb, Cosmic Book News
