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Logan Reviews: A Fitting Fairwell For A Classic X-Men Hero

Collating a multitude of images, trailers, interviews, synopsis and posters is one thing. But now that the critics have earned a look at Logan, it is safe to assume that the hype is warranted. Prior to it's mainstream public release on March 3, the Marvel masterpiece will depict Hugh Jackman's character on the run in Mexico to set up a finale that will be raw, emotional and fitting for an icon of cinema.

Despite the reluctance of 20th Century Fox to green light an R rating for the movie, the decision has handsomely paid off in the eyes of the reviewers. Now it will be up to the audience at the box office to vindicate their enthusiasm for a title that some believe is the best addition to the X-Men universe to date.

The Shane of Superhero Films

Peter Bradshaw from The Guardian identifies one moment where Logan, Xavier and Laura are sitting down watching a scene from the Western classic Shane. A parallel that was not lost on the reviewer. Exploring the concept of ageing, isolation and legacy, the installment strikes the right cord in the 4/5 star extravaganza.

"It is more like a survivalist thriller than a superhero film, and signals its wintry quality with the title itself," concludes Bradshaw. "It’s like seeing a film entitled Banner or Parker or Kent. With the approach of death, maybe super identity is cast off. Superpowers start to fade along with ordinary powers... The heart of the movie is the unexpectedly poignant relationship between Xavier and Logan: I’d be tempted to call them the Steptoe and Son of the mutant world... Logan is a forthright, muscular movie which preserves the X-Men’s strange, exotic idealism."

Owen Gleiberman of Variety goes a step further to praise Jackman. Arguing that the Australian's farewell was a personal tribute from the man who has become encompassed by the character.

"It’s Jackman who holds Logan together and gives the film its glimmer of soul. He has been playing this role, more or less nonstop, for 18 years, but he seems startlingly not bored by it. Better still, he’s a more refined actor now than when he started, and in Logan, he gets to play something rare in comic-book cinema: a powerhouse of animal rage who is slowly, agonizingly slipping away."

Another Top R Rated Flick, But With Emotional Gravitas

Sandy Schaefer of ScreenRant points to the success of Deadpool for the license to thrill, but states that the two titles could not be starker comparisons.

"As irreverent and comically R rated as Deadpool was, Logan is equally but effectively morose and grounded, with its own mature take on the X-Men movie franchise and the Wolverine character specifically," she explains. "The movie thus succeeds as a moving sendoff to the Hugh Jackman-led era of the X-Men cinematic universe, as well as yet another demonstration of how different in tone and style a superhero comic book movie adaptation can actually be. Longtime X-Men fans are in turn advised to prepare themselves emotionally for a somber Wolverine movie – but also one that can be described as a cross between The Wrestler and Dredd, in the best way possible."

Scott Collura from IGN enjoys the title for steering away from a hero that can call upon his powers at the drop of a hat. Saying that his vulnerability makes him a true hero.

"Logan is in many ways an emotional, heavy picture, but it’s also an uplifting one that reminds us that it’s okay to fight for something more, something better. It’s an amazing swan song for the Wolverine character, and for Jackman, and perhaps the best X-Men movie yet."

Source: IGN, The Guardian, Variety, ScreenRant
