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Karen Gillan Shows Off Sexy Jumanji Doubles

It was only two weeks ago when Karen Gillan had feminists in an uproar over her first update from the Jumanji set. Taking to Instagram, the actress showed her, Hart, Johnson and Black. While every castmember had something to offer, the eyes couldn't leave Gillan. Wearing a sexy female Indiana Jones meets Tomb Raider outfit, it was obvious her outfit wasn't built to handle a jungle.

Answering the angry response, the actress explained that there is definitely a reason for what some considered to be a slutty Halloween costume idea. Me? I'm into it. But I'm only one person, and a guy to boot.

Undeterred by the naysayers online, Karen Gillan has once again gone to her social account to show off her sexy outfit. But this time she doubled down on the er, sexiness. It looks like her character, Ruby Roundhouse, is going to be doing some stunts in the film. And with stunts comes stunt doubles. And when your character is selling some sex appeal, so will they. Let the uproar being... again.

3 Sexy Jumanji Avatars

With close to forty thousand likes at the time of this article, Karen Gillan's latest photo is doing well with the fans. In the photo she shows off the "Three Martha's". Since we've been told that Gillan's character is the selected Avatar for a little girl playing the game, the assumption is that Martha will be the name of Morgan Turner's character. The credits on IMDB have not given her a character just yet, but it's the only possibility that makes sense. At least, if we were to use the standard rules of deduction.

By now it is clear that this Jumanji sequel will be taking a different point of view of than the original Jumanji with Robin Williams. The 1995 version focused on the people and animals from within the game coming out into the real world. Based entirely on the social updates, it looks like the new version will instead be focused on the happenings inside the game. Hence the placement of the lead cast.

That being said, the film's entire marketing machine is so far based out of Instagram. With Gillan, Dwayne Johnson and Kevin Hart leading the charge. Not sure what Jack Black has been doing, but it looks like he doesn't even have an Instagram.

On a side note, Karen Gillan looks way better with hair than without. The whole Nebula look ain't doing it for me.
