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Jurassic World Sequel to be Darker and More Suspenseful

Though Colin Trevorrow is busy working on Star Wars: Episode IX, that doesn't mean he has forgotten about the franchise he successfully rebooted. After seeing his Jurassic World make 1.67 billion at the box office, he's handed over the director's chair over to J.A. Bayana. Trevorrow may have lost a seat, but he's still very much involved. Besides having a hand in the script, he is also sitting at the sequel's pre-production meetings as Producer. With what we can assume to be an increased budget, we can't help but be curious on what's in store.

To give us a better sense of what to expect from Jurassic World 2, both Colin Trevorrow and J.A. Boyna sat down with JurassicOutpost. Though plot details are still unknown, the pair do clear some things up. One such aspect being the film's energy. While Jurassic World enjoyed the ability to pay tribute to the original franchise, the next installment will drive forth a more unique and (hopefully) less family-friendly story. But don't expect a Jurassic War either.

Jurassic World Sequel Tidbits

The interview with Trevorrow and Bayona runs for just short of forty minutes, and there is actually quite a bit of meat that fans can pick up on. But, if you don't have the time, a few things do stand out. Such as, with the successful rebirth of the franchise, the next installment will have a much more unpredictable story.

[The sequel] will be more suspenseful and scary. It’s just the way it’s designed. It’s the way the story plays out. I knew I wanted Bayona to direct it long before anyone ever heard that was a possibility, so the whole thing was just built around his skillset.

But how to achieve the added suspense? First by acknowledging that, while a helicopter under attack by Pterodactyl's can be thrilling, it's not exactly jump out of your seat scary. What is scary however, is the kitchen sequence from the original Jurassic Park. Using a mixture of animatronics and visual effects, seeing raptors hunt the children was absolutely terrifying. Playing on this, expect the sequel to have smaller set pieces and tighter corners. And, while computer generated effects are at the top of their game, sometimes realism can be better achieved with animatronics.

“I think the lack of animatronics in Jurassic World had more to do with the physicality of the Indominus. The way the animal moved. It was very fast and fluid, it ran a lot, and needed to move its arms and legs and neck and tail all at once. It wasn’t a lumbering creature. We’ve written some opportunities for animatronics into [Jurassic World 2]—because it has to start at the script level—and I can definitely tell you that Bayona has the same priorities, he is all about going practical whenever possible.”

More Animatronics in Jurassic World 2

Using CG to have a large dinosaur run through the woods makes sense, but there were other moments that Trevorrow wished he had the budget for animatronics. With the success of Jurassic World, he will get all the animatronics he needs for the sequel.

Budgetary requirements of JW also led to less animatronics. They will utilize the general animatronic rules of the franchise: best used when standing still, or with less complex actions.

Militarized Dinosaurs Destroying London

Jurassic World spent a lot of time putting forth the idea that dinosaurs can be militarized, something we assumed would be played on in the sequel. There are also rumors that the dinosaurs might end up running amuck in London. But this rumor set exists mostly because production is taking place there. Through the course of the interview, both these ideas are ruled out. Besides, the militarized dinosaur plot can get pretty dumb quick.

Check out the entire podcast here. The Jurassic World sequel is currently slated to hit theaters June 22nd, 2018.
