The Force Awakens Ending That Rian Johnson Told JJ Abrams To Make

With the upcoming title Star Wars: The Last Jedi picking up from exactly where The Force Awakens left off, those closing moments of the 2015 installment become all the more important to the narrative. Daisy Ridley's character Rey departed for the hidden planet of Ahch-To, but she took friends in the form of R2-D2 and Chewbacca on course to return Luke Skywalker's lightsaber.

While this detail of the story went off without a hitch, it was not without careful deliberation and communication between director Rian Johnson and producer JJ Abrams. Johnson knew he would be returning for the sequel. And, needing to set up his 2017 blockbuster, the filmmaker made a request that Abrams had to agree upon.

Droid Switch as BB Sticks With Resistance, R2 and Skywalker are Reunited

Daisy Ridley in Star Wars The Force Awakens

Celebrating the official Star Wars day on the calendar "May the fourth (Be with you)," Johnson sat down for a chat with Entertainment Weekly. Upon hearing some discussion around his creative involvement overlapping from one movie to the next, the director said that he did have a hand in one change that Abrams had initially penciled in.

"Yes. The big (favor) was, I asked if R2 could come with Rey, and if BB-8 could stay behind with the Resistance," he recalled. "Originally it was BB-8 who went with Rey, which makes sense for the story in a way. But I asked, 'Can you do me this solid and switch the droids?'"

That final Skywalker cameo dropped like a bombshell at the conclusion of Force Awakens and Johnson did admit that the veteran would have a much bigger part to play for Last Jedi. Naturally.

"Figuring out where his head was at was the very first thing I had to do when writing the movie," Johnson remarked. "I had to crack this. And it had to be something for me that first and foremost made sense. Why did Luke Skywalker go off to this island? That was the starting point, and that's what the entire movie explores."

Moloch, Rebolt, Vos and co. Join The Han Solo Party

Han Solo Cast Photo

Getting all the great scoops from the Disney franchise before they are made official, reported on a few characters that will be making their debut in the spinoff Han Solo: A Star Wars Story. From the inclusion of Ian Kenny, Harley Durst and Tien Hoang, LucasFilm or Disney have yet to confirm the news.

This is what the website believes is the cast to date:

Han Solo (Alden Ehrenreich), Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover), Chewbacca, Beckett (Woody Harrelson), Val, Mother Proxima, Dryden Vos, Rebolt (Ian Kenny), Moloch (Harley Durst), Moloch’s Henchman (Tien Hoang), Gremm and Emly's Nest (potential location, maybe not a character).

Stay tuned.

Source: Making Star WarsET

