Bite Sized: All 8 Harry Potter Movies Condensed Down To 90 Minutes

Given a title of 'Wizardhood', one editor has managed to bring all the best elements of the Harry Potter franchise into one motion picture. Created by Tim Stiefler, the 90 minutes is a far cry from a franchise that spawned 8 separate films. With the majority lasting comfortably over two hours each.

19-and-a-half hours is a long time to digest the J.K. Rowling narratives as the recut is said to be inspired by the movie Boyhood, an opus from Richard Linklater. Just in case you missed it, that drama took an incredible 12 years to make. Essentially, if someone out there is looking for a crib notes edition of the boy wizard flicks but don't have time to binge the whole lot. This is the installment for you!

Tragedy As Syria Crisis Hits Home For Rowling

As the world watches in horror at the events in Aleppo, seven-year-old Syrian native Bana Alabed reached out to the writer on Twitter. All in hopes of convincing the author how much of a fan of the books she is. Rowling responded to send Alabed an e-book of the novels after the young girl said the books help "to forget the war" going on around her.

Then in a gut-wrenching turn of events Sunday night, her parent's house was bombed. She took to social media to detail the events in heartbreaking fashion.

"Tonight we have no house," wrote the Syrian. "It's bombed & I got in rubble. I saw deaths and I almost died. - Bana "

Middle East Conflict Puts Fantasy Into Context

As JK Rowling brought attention to her family's plight by retweeting the account to her follows and the rest of the Western world at large, Alabed's mother Fatemah spoke to the press about the daily horrors that are on their front door. And what the books mean for her little girl.

Stating that the Twitter account is a means for "the world to hear our voice," she uses the interview to plead for help in dire circumstances. "She says, 'Mum, why does nobody help us?' She saw her friend killed. And our house bombed. She saw her school bombed. So that affected her."

If the Harry Potter franchise achieves nothing else than helping the Alabed family, then it will have been worth the trouble.

Source: EW, BBC

