Trailer Addict

Anne Hathaway’s Colossal A Monster Movie On A Budget

It is always expected that a monster movie would be a blockbuster built off the back of a giant studio and endless budget. In the case of the NEON title Colossal, the only element of size is the stature of the cast.

Ahead of the April 7 premiere of the science-fiction comedy, lead star Anne Hathaway sat down with Cinemablend to talk about the bold project. Starring alongside Jason Sudeikis and Dan Stevens from Beauty and the Beast, the 34-year old admitted that her involvement in the kaiju adaptation raised some eyebrows.

A Monster For The Selfie Generation

Director Nacho Vigalando had to make the most of a bad situation, bringing a huge CGI character to life but without the tools to do it justice. Stripping back the independent movie to the core, Hathaway said that he utilized a clever first person technique to avoid any financial concern.

"When I was telling people about this movie I was doing, and people had a reaction, which at first was they went, 'Oh my god, that's so cool. I can't wait to see that!' And 'Are you at all concerned about your career?'" she joked. "And one of the things they were worried about -- and I don't want to embarrass anybody - but this is such a low budget movie. And they said, 'How do you do a monster low budget movie?' And (Nacho Vigalando) was talking about those original monster movies - they were scrappy! And one of the things that Nacho did that I think was so brilliant and that I'd never seen before was because the monster is in a different location than our heroes, so much of what they're seeing is on an iPad or it's on a phone. So you take the concept of this huge Seoul/city crushing monster, but you shrink it down to the size of an iPhone."

No One Wants To See The Drunk, Just The Hangover

Dealing with a dysfunctional lead character Gloria (Hathaway) who is dealing with alcoholism, Vigalando argued that the best scenes are dealing with the post drinking sessions rather than seeing the the night itself.

"I don't feel attracted to the cinematic aspect of being drunk on camera," he said. "I feel much more attracted to the hangover. For me the hangover sounds much funnier than being drunk! For me, I don't actually enjoy asking people to act drunk. It's this kind of comedy that pops up sometimes. I prefer people when drunk on camera they are just slower, sloppy. Not drunk. But what I really enjoy is being hungover - the hangover on camera. I really enjoy those sequences."

Although there is a serious and dark side to being an alcoholic, Hathaway believes the interruption to the sleep cycle is a forgotten element to the addiction.

"I think not every drunk is that way. And I think you're right, that's totally the cinematic way, you get up and make a fool of yourself. What happens if you're sort of a low-stakes drunk where you just sort of never go to sleep? You don't actually fall asleep, you just pass out, and then you wake up, and you're just in that cycle... there's a full spectrum of drunks in the world, and this is one of them! This is an underserved representation of drunks."

Source: Cinemablend
