Trailer Addict

Alien 5 Given A “Slim” Chance of Survival By Filmmaker

South African's are not typically known for their subtlety and director Neill Blomkamp is cut from the same cloth. Giving a one word answer on social media that set tongue's wagging. Attached to take the helm of the yet-to-be-titled Alien 5, Blomkamp said there was a "slim" chance of seeing the project come to pass. Especially after stalling on a number of occasions up until this juncture.

The reality check will be a great setback for those eager to see the return of Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley. While the prequel end of the franchise goes from strength to strength on the eve of Alien: Covenant coming out on May 19, 2017. Despite his success in the genre with films made in his homeland like District 9, the Matt Damon flick Elysium and 2015's Chappie, it appears 1997's Alien: Resurrection could be the last in that sequence after Blomkamp's bleak response.

New Covenant Actor Might Be Ripley 2.0

Following on in the franchise that was born with Alien in 1979, Aliens in 1986, Alien 3 in 1992 and the flop that was Alien: Resurrection in 1997. The studio would eventually split the universe into a prequel leg via Prometheus. But let's not forget the spinoff in the form of Alien vs Predator. With Covenant acting as a sequel to the 2012 prequel, it will be Katherine Waterston's character Daniels that appears to take the limelight.

With reviewers earning an early glimpse for the Ridley Scott picture, The Independent sees a bright future for Daniels with a number of sequels slated for the prequel arm of the franchise.

"If Alien: Covenant can keep up this kind of hysteric horror mania for its full length," starts the publication, "it's safe to say we're in for a pretty huge treat; with the short trailer cutting together a whole array of clips of Daniels shooting guns, looking badass, and firmly setting her up as a spiritual successor to Ripley."

Aliens Going Above and Beyond 3D

20th Century Fox are keen to amplify the Aliens experience as much as humanly possible. And, much like they did with Matt Damon's blockbuster The Martian, the moviemakers will see their creation become a virtual reality experience. Directed by David Karlak, the project will be embarked on by Ridley Scott's own RSA Films.

Demos have already received warm reviews after doing likewise for Assassin's Creed, seeing Michael Fassbender feature on two counts. Hopefully someone can hear you scream in this scenario because stepping inside a world of Aliens sounds like a curse rather than a gift.

Source: Screen Rant, The Independent, The Verge
