Theatrical trailer for Alita: Battle Angel that was released during 2018 San Diego Comic Con.
An action-packed story of one young woman's journey to discover the truth of who she is and her fight to change the world.
While a number of James Cameron projects become (large) franchises, the producer slash director explained that Alita: Battle Angel was created to be a single installment, but would result in a likely trilogy if the feedback and box office numbers were positive. And Cameron has found enough backing to make this wish a reality. With a budget that could reach $200 million, this would be the priciest production for director Robert Rodriguez.
Even though the film is expected to be uber-violent, Cameron explained that the film will maintain a PG-13 rating by having most blood be blue instead of red.
I'm still not sure what to think about this. The newest trailer for Alita: Battle Angel definitely pumps up the action, cyborgs and thrills, but it's hard to get away from the overall CG feel of the film. If reminding audiences that many of the characters are computer generated was the point, then job well done. If hyper realism is the goal, the film is still lacking. Cool, yes, but cool in a CG-movie sort of way.
Even with the second trailer, it is somewhat difficult to get a sense of story. Obviously Alita is a super important cyborg, rocking technology that has gone "missing for 300 years." So that is really neat, but begs to question why the tech hasn't vastly improved over that same period. Hmmmmmm.
2 min 27 sec
Posted On
July 23, 2018
Robert Rodriguez
James Cameron
20th Century Fox
December 21, 2018
Jennifer Connelly
Eiza González
Rosa Salazar
Michelle Rodriguez
Christoph Waltz
No Music Available