A Bug's Life

Video archive for the film A Bug's Life, which has a domestic theatrical release in the year of 1998. There are currently thirteen videos available for the film, of which three are trailers, as listed below. Happy viewing!

Studio: Pixar Disney

Release: November 25, 1998

Director: John Lasseter, Andrew Stanton

Writer: John Lassetter, Andrew Stanton, Joe Ranft, Donald McEnery, Bob Shaw, Geefwee Boedoe, Jason Katz, Jorgen Klubien, Robert Lence, David Reynolds

Cast: Dave Foley, Kevin Spacey, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Hayden Panettiere, Phyllis Diller, Richard Kind, David Hyde Pierce, Joe Ranft, Denis Leary, Johnathan Harris, Madeline Khan, Bonnie Hunt, Michael McShane, Roddy McDowall

  • Movie Trailers