
X-Men: Apocalypse Super Bowl TV Spot (2016)

TV spot for X-Men: Apocalypse that was shown during Super Bowl 50. Preview showcases some new footage of mass destruction.

If you are wondering just how much it cost 20th Century Fox to air this TV spot for X-Men: Apocalypse during Super Bowl 50, let me help you with the math. The spot comes in at exactly 30 seconds, with each second costing $166,666, meaning the entire spot cost almost exactly $5 million. Whoa!

Guessing by the vast amount of visual effects to be seen in this film, $5 million is just a drop in the bucket.

X-Men: Apocalypse TV Spot Screencap #1

There are three things I like when it comes to this TV spot. The first one is because of my tiny crush on Olivia Munn...

Olivia Munn in X-Men: Apocalypse TV Spot
It's good to see more footage of Psylocke kicking ass and taking names, even if it is short and sweet. Other characters that got some screen time were  Storm, who is played by an awesome-looking Alexandra Shipp, and Angel (Ben Hardy), who is seen using his wings as a weapon. Neato, though I'm not entirely a fan of the slow-mo work used around his character.

And, finally, this might be the first preview for X-Men: Apocalypse where I can actually tell that Apocalypse himself is played by Oscar Isaac. In the past trailers I found the actor to be unrecognizable behind all that prosthetic and makeup. Since I'm a huge fan of Isaac, it's good to get a sense that it's actually him.

The only thing troubling about the Super Bowl spot is that it presents a couple new slow-mo sequences that seem absolutely riddled with CG. One of the best parts of X-Men: Days of Future Past was how it emphasized on story over constant action and visual effects. Based on what we've seen so far, Apocalypse seems to have dropped that style of storytelling. 

0 min 30 sec


Posted On
February 07, 2016
Bryan Singer

Michael Dougherty

20th Century Fox

May 27, 2016
James McAvoy
Michael Fassbender
Jennifer Lawrence
Oscar Isaac
Nicholas Hoult
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